T&B Jubilee Such a great party it was! Together with befriended street orchestras we celebrated our 25th anniversary. All the beautiful notes on streets and squares still echo in our ears. Thank you for playing at, for and with us: IG Blech (Berlin), La Fanfare Invisible (Paris), Le FAT (Brittany), Tenth Avenue Band (Newcastle), Fanfare van de Eerste Liefdesnacht (Amsterdam), Kladderadatsch (Nijmegen), De Tegenwind (Utrecht). Many thanks to the photographers, who captured the performances (and more memorable moments) for us. You‘ll find a selection of their pictures in this digital photo album. Enjoy! Toeters en Bellen |
On arrival Friday 15 september 2017 |
On site Camping Zeeburg |
On the streets Saturday 16 september 2017 |
Amsterdam Museum De Tegenwind 10th Avenue Band IG Blech |
Zonneplein Fanfare van de Eerste Liefdesnacht Fanfare Invisible Le FAT |
Frederiksplein 10th Avenue Band IG Blech |
Noorderlicht Kladderadatsch Le FAT Fanfare Invisible |
On Stage Playing Fufu with all the bands |
Backstage at Paradiso Noord |
On Stage The bands and their audience |
On board & on the quaysides Sunday 17 september 2017 |
't Blaauwhooft Kladderadatsch Toeters & Bellen De Tegenwind |
Kattenburgerplein 10th Avenue Band IG Blech Le Fat Toeters & Bellen Fanfare van de Eerste Liefdesnacht |
Kanis & Meijland Fanfare van de Eerste Liefdesnacht Le Fat |
De Waterkant De Tegenwind Fanfare Invisible |
On site Reminiscing on the weekend with drinks and dinner camping Zeeburg. |
On the road again Monday 18 september 2017 |
Photography by: Charles de Vre, Itie Langeland, Jean van Lingen, Femke Huibers, Kika Groszkopf , Theo Smit, Steven van Beek, Christine van Eerd, Herman Noort, Anke Nobel, Michel van Dijk, Wendy Bach-Kolling Contact details for Toeters & Bellen: info@toeters-en-bellen.nl http://www.toeters-en-bellen.nl/blog/ |